Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A bump in the road

Life comes at you fast. One morning you're using a crow bar to dig holes for banana pits and doing headstands and the next morning you can't do either due to scraped up arms. Took a little spill on a motorbike and I've been holding up in a gorgeous garden surrounded guesthouse for the past few days. There's a lot of dirt at Sadhana and I didn't want any of that getting in my exposed skin. It's nice though, to get to relax and shower and read in the quiet afternoons. I'll head back to Sadhana soon though, I miss all the people there, just as soon as I'm sure everything is infection proof, things will start rolling again. Unfortunately due to the location of the injury I can't do my yoga headstands for a while, which i was getting so good at. But oh well, things could be worse. Life in Sadhana/India is going swell. I am constantly enjoying the company of the new people I am meeting and thinking about traveling plans for around India. Most likely I will start heading up the subcontinent in a few weeks and meet up with some friends and do some meditation and some yoga as well. And eat tons more hella good food. Anywho, think healing thoughts and I'll be back on the saddle in no time!

1 comment:

Bodhisol said...

healing thoughts your way! you are so brave and strong. hang in there. to a speedy recovery girl!!