Traveling again. Sweaty, dirty, tired, hungry, thirsty. Excited, happy, thrilled, amazed, shocked, pissed off, annoyed, delighted. India is a shock to the senses. Staring, oh baby oh baby. Julia and I get stared at like nobody's business. Is it my shaved head? or my super pasty white skin? Is it the fact that I'm a woman? Is it my crazy sunglasses? Whatever it is, I've gotta get used to it because being pissed off at it does no good. After a few days in Delhi though I've gotten well used to something. Used to the impecable metro system they have and to the crappy streets, and the delicious chai everywhere. We got some henna, watched some bollywood, ate lots of Thali and explored around Welcome( not really that great) and went to the Red Fort. This massive expanse left over from the Munghal empire. So massive that a nap was in order. On the grounds. In the shade. Traveling aka walking really takes it out of me these days.Julia (not Juli.) and I took the train to Agra yesterday and today we went to see the Taj Majal. And this place is haggle central RICKSHAW! YES! COME SEE MY SHOP! but we found a nice little spot with tibetan breakfast bread and cold coffee and the best Thali I've had yet in India. Its called Lucky Cafe in Taj Ganj. Go there. have thali. ask no more questions.
The Taj Majal was nothing short of amazing. Blinding in its spleandor, exhausting in its heat and size of the grounds, we wandered all morning till we just couldn't wander anymore. I know its supposed to be a testament to love. The wife of the emperor died while birthing her 14th child (damn!) but I also read that it is a refrence to the fact that the emperor fancied himSELF and modeled it after heaven because he thought he was god, etc. I dont know what is up but I am so glad to have seen it. It was amazing to all the haters who said don't see it. But I will say, Agra is a shit show and I'll be glad to bounce outa here.
And again on my life and pondering it in India. Apparently bad things don't only come in threes, they come in any number until you've learned. My life was again checked yesterday upon the realization that my dear friend Mali died suddenly. Just a headache turned into brain damage and then she was gone. She is a mother of two beautiful young children and a wife and a sister and a daughter. She is such a huge part of my life. She babysat me frequently when I was growing up and when I grew old enough I babysat her children in return. She was one of the kindest, happiest, most selfless people I have every known and I'll never get to see her again. And again here I am in India so far removed from this life of mine and I wish I could be there to celebrate her life and to give some form of anything to her loved ones. I feel so helpless and I feel empty inside. I will regret not seeing her more and not doing all the things together that we could have and I'll never get any of that time back. If I've learned anything lately it is that life is short and sudden and rash. I'm so thankful for everyone in my life and even if I can't show everyone every day I do think of all the people in my life often throughout my journeys. Mali was with me at the Taj Majal today and I'll take her with me throughout India and to Sweden and Greece and wherever else my life takes me. I am so thankful for her influence in my life and for all the grace she has shown me. To everyone reading this, I love you and I am thankful for you. Mali, I love you. I miss you.
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