Well, it's all over Sydney. We had a good run though. Brought in 2009 with style under the Harbour Bridge, saw some Shakespeare at the Opera House, took some ferries, rode some trains and ate some brekkie. Saw some cool dinosaur fossils and wildlife photographs, had a picnic in the Botanical Gardens, wandered the Red Light District, saw some movies, stayed in a total shit hostel(cockroaches, cold water, dirty pee smelling carpet, and really crappy beds).
Walked around a lot, jogged around a lot, ate Spanish, Chinese, Thai, Australian, Mexican, and Japanese food.
Saw echidnas and albino peacocks and albino roos, went to the Blue Mountains and rode a crazy uphill train, went through the Sydney Olympic Park, ate some more brekkie, hung out at Manly Beach, ate some chips(fries) and some pistachio ice cream, and pondered my life.
Made the decision to save my sanity, health and friendship w/Juli by splitting up once we get to Thailand for the first month or so, and finally felt happy and free.
Overall there are some things I'll always love and remember about Australia.
"How you going?" and "No Worries"
The scare tactic anti drinking ads( they've got a serious issue w/that here)
Hilarious Aussie sarcasm and wit from bus drivers and tour guides
Scuba Diving in the Great Barrier Reef and snorkeling around Magnetic Island
Hiking in the heat with my family on Maggie
Bundaberg and Cola
The best WWOOFing ever at Cloudscape Vineyards(and the best food ever for that matter)
Riding the Overland Train from Adelaide to Melbourne
The Homeless World Cup
Opalized Dinosaur Fossils
Brekkie!and flat white's
Walking over the Harbour Bridge
Seeing a play at the Opera House
Really really good public transport
Markets, Markets, Markets
The Hilarious movie jack and I watched on the greyhound from Rockhampton to Townsville--- what is it called??
Are you guys from the looney bin?" "No,,, Noo, but how'd you like to try this(straight jacket) on?"
Christmas in the Tropics
Capricorn Caves at Solstice
Seeing Kangaroos in the wild running across the deep ochre Australian road
Petting Hella soft Koalas
New Year's Eve in Sydney
Swimming with all my clothes on and swimming in hella hot ocean water
Having my family visit me!
Well that's all folks, tonight I embark on a plane ride to Bangkok, Thailand and will traipse all over SE Asia for the next 2 months-- Alone! Wish me luck and if anyone wants to visit me... hit me up!
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