Ayutthaya is a town filled with ruins from when it was the capital of Thailand. Much of it was sacked by the Burmese and the ruins are what's left. You can rent a bike and explore, which is exactly what we did. Enormous palaces and Wats and fallen temples and broken Buddhas, brick and dirt and remnants of a glory long gone are everywhere. I almost got attacked by a stray dog too in one deserted part of a ruin. So cuidado those dogs eh?
Elephant rides and markets and monks are everywhere in Ayutthaya. I even got chatted up by a Cambodian Monk whose Australian sister was visiting. Small world eh? And i got interviewed by about seven different groups of Thai teenage girls, filling out questionnaires about where I'm from and what I think of Thailand and what is my favorite Thai dessert? Do Thai people smile a lot? What do I think about Thai singing? etc.
So I'll let the pictures do the talking, my favorite was definitely the Buddha which had been trapped in a trees roots and they grew out around him. The former palace as well was massive and filled with gardenia trees that smelled sweetly. IT was unreal to be in a place with so much ancient history and to imagine what it might have looked like all bedazzled in it's height of glory. Filled with royalty and monks and beautiful golden statues everywhere.
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