This post Vipassana week has flow by with each day crammin in more than the next and me loving every minute of it. Leaving Vipassana and silence and nonstop meditation was quite a trip. But the world became profoundly beautiful in my eyes my smile beamed from ear to ear as I traipsed out into the real world. I have to admit I was a bit shell-shocked. Every sound, every sensation was a rainbow, an explosion of sound and light and happiness. I checked into a cozy little room overlooking a meadow, with a bed and a desk and a poster of Buddha,room enough to do some yoga, with a cute little family for eh, 2$ a night. I then put on my walking shoes and traipsed all over the place. From Bagsu to McLeod Gang my smile erupted on my face and every passer by was given love and compassion. Even the creepy leering dudes. But I didn't care. Then that moment, I realized. I'm alone. I'm walking wherever I want to do whatever I want. Everything I do from this point onward is in my control, every joy every anguish. I control it all. I exuded bliss from my every pore. The sun was shining, the air cool and calm, the trees smelled like heaven.
Interrupted from my own personal music video someone shouts my name and I'm pulled back into reality. Its Constance! This beautiful, joyous, cuter than your moms best apple pie French girl I lived with at Sadhana. I hug her and we excitedly chat about Vipassina, which she is intending on doing in a few days. Along with her boyfriend Silvan we wander the streets and Bam! There's Lucy, then Tony and Maddie show up, then Marcel comes out of the woodwork, the I see Nicholas! Its like a badass Sadhana reunion and we duck inside a Tibetan restaurant to compare notes on Vipassina and what classes and activites everyone has been up to in Dharmsala.
So needless to say that whole being all by my self lasted about five mintues. But that's what happens when you set out alone-the universe throws all your friends at you.
So since monday I've been meeting Rotem and Nicholas and Marcel at the German bakery for breakfast or dinner, sitting around chatting and eating and watching them practice juggling. I walk billions of stairs to and from my guesthouse and hills to McLeod Gang and to the Vipassana center. I go to the Tibetan Dali Lama approved clinic and get some good ol Tibetan Doctor to check me out. (I've had diharrhea for like eh, 3 weeks)I'm given some eating advice and some weird pellets that look like rabbit poo to ingest 3xdaily for 3 weekks. I have done yoga and gotten a total oiled up boobie grabbing ayurvedic massage. I've eaten spagetti and sushi and hot chocolate and tibetan bread. I sleep in my cozy bed with my warm tibetan shawl until way late (830) compared to 4am at Vipass. I meditate in the morning and in the evening for an hour each. Which is exceedingly hard outside the Vipassina center but I am giving it my all. I smile and smile and walk and eat slowly. I shop for beautiful earings and crazy Indian goddess stickers. I flashdance it up in my room to my ipod. I have taken cooking classes and read books and written in my journal. The days in Dharmsala are sucked dry like honey from a stick. Always ending the evening having dinner with friends at this cafe or that. Tony and Maddie are having a dinner party at their guesthouse tonight making momos and guacomole. I leave on monday to Delhi to be reunited with Jen who I haven't seen in almost two years. And although I will be sad to go and could probably stay in Dharmsala forever, I will not cling to it. I will live in the present, and right now I will get off the internet.
1 comment:
i love this entry.
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