Okay, for some reason it's really easy to upload photos from this comp which is why i went a little picture happy but oh well eh?
Ahhh where to begin, well I'll begin with Melbourne vol. 2
Juli and I went back to Melbourne for 2 days prior to WWOOFing and I got to catch 2 days of the homeless world cup. And i saw the U.S. lose unfortunately, the Colombian women's team kick some major arse, and a couple of great games such as the Argentinean Brazil game where unfortunately to my utter dismay, Argentina got it's ass handed to it like 10-3 Brazil. And these are 7 minute halves, that's a lot of goals missed (ARG. KEEPER!) Anyways, as I was shouting things in spanish at them i happened to meet a nice Colombian guy and get to habla a little espanol for a change, he was rooting for Brazil, however so we could never truly meet eye to eye.
Anywho it was great fun and then Juli and I took a train to Kyneton, where Jan picked us up to do some WWOOFing that the Adventure of the Vineyard began.
Careening out of control, the car pulls up the the train station and a very lively woman with short curly bustles out and greets us. As Jan drove us (on the left side, still weird) up to the house we discovered that along with the vineyard Andre(her partner) and her also work part time, Jan with a local organisation to find homes for the homeless amongst other things, and Andre as a dentist.
They live in an amazing house atop a hill overlooking their vineyard of 5,000 trees. One half is their room, separated by the living/dining/kitchen area and the other wing is the guest quarters/living space where juli and i were lucky enough to stumble into and try not to drool at the enormous sumptuous bed, bright purple walls, cerulean bathroom tiles and squeaky clean shower/bath. Complete with a sliding glass door onto the deck and our own sitting area overlooking the amazing view where we can sit and read,perhaps a delicious novel from their enormously awesome book library? or paint if I so wish, as they have canvases and paint, or watch a movie from Andre's extensive cinematic library.
Juli and I tried to contain our utter astonishment and glee and kinda like when you meet a cute guy and he calls you for the first time, and you try not to scream like a 13 yr old all alone in your room after he hangs up.
A day by day would just rub it in, so first I'll just give a synopsis of the culinary delights I had the opportunity of partaking in at Cloudscape.
Pesto Pasta, Fresh Salad with goat cheese and avocado, Vanilla Slice, Cocoa Espresso, Red Wine, White Wine, Green Tea, Homemade pizza with potato, mozzarella cheese, basil, pumpkin and capsicum, mushroom risotto, vegetarian lasagna, homemade raisin fruit bread toasted with hot melty butter for breakfast, crispy vegetarian sandwiches for lunch with sliced tomato, sharp cheddar, fresh ground pepper and avocado, Moroccan stir fry and vegetables, Vietnamese noodle salad with tofu, Vegetarian Stir Fry, Homemade vegetarian nachos with kidney beans and fresh guacamole and salsa and melty crunchy heaven! Crunchy, salty, fragrant fried mushrooms and freshly baked potato wedges, tim tams(by the plenty), freshly cut crispy apples, and if I'm forgetting anything forgive me Andre because I loved every bite of food I ate in the house.
Five hours a day is the suggested work amount in Australian WWOOF standard, which means a leisurely breakfast and then down to the Vines to re-arrange and put back in between the wires for better upward growth and to pick out a few leaves here and there to let the wind flow through for pollination. Just pop on the ipod and away we go! And Juli and I finished the whole vineyard in about 9 days or so, which I think is pretty good, considering we were almost rained out one day and had to book it the next. And then perhaps an afternoon run before the drizzle erupts to water the hot red earth?
One day I departed from the Vineyard and was running away, along the fast paced road just for a bit and then my breath got back to normal and I found a nice quiet ochre red country dirt path to run upon and just listened to the beat of my tie rd tigers and my breath and all of a sudden, Hop, Hop, Hop a KANGAROO! and i stop dead in my tracks, and then three more hop after it, and my mouth agape I just stand and stare. It was like seeing a dinosaur, I felt like Jurassic Park when they see the Brontosaurus. And they even look like valasa raptors a little bit with their tiny t-rex arms and long dino tails. It was amazing and I just smiled and ran on. After standing in that spot for a while just waiting for more. And another day when I went running, sadly no roos, but an interesting symphony of noises. Along with my ever panting breath which calms after the horror of the first bit of physical exertion subsides, a number of animal and nature noises. Dogs barked feverishly when I ran by their pen and I wondered for a minute if I was so tempting that they would break free and attack, but no, safe. And then a little further I must've awoken the birds who began monkey like chattering(no doubt about me, my running style, and my jiggly ass)
translation: " GIIIRRL, check out this tourist!"
translation:" She's definitely not from round here- just check out that ass!"
("she must've just come from argentina and eaten too many bon bons and empanadas!")
("HA! NO DOUBT fellow weird bird, she's strugglin, sista needs a cuppa")
And then the snap crackle pop of the close by bushes and trees, and the hilarity of the birds followed me all the way home for the rest of my run.
I also painted a bit at the Vineyard, on the last day, a little landscape of the beautiful view I was so blessed to view every night. Andre and Jan are a hilarious, intelligent and fun couple to be around and I enjoyed fully every minute of it, from the interesting discussions and wine drinking film watching and especially the eating of the delicious food Andre made every night. I was sad to go, but everything must come to an end, and if our fam wasn't coming and their other WWOOFer wasn't as well, I might never left. I just want to lay down a fervent prayer to the travel gods for throwing us that bone. It was revitalizing work, especially the bio dynamic spray, which i happened to love stirring and spraying for that matter, good reading and eating and lovely sleeping.
I'm in Syndey now yet again and my mom and Jack arrive tomorrow, Jan tonight, and a while different type of travellin is about to commence, but I'm excited to see my family and to see more of Australia.
1 comment:
hey girl! i love the animated storytelling - especially the descriptive, never-ending and oh so delicious menu (i'm salivating here), and your jogging adventure with those hilarious birdies! hehe...happy holidays...take care you.
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