Brisbane is a rad city! An enormous river flows through the middle and we took advantage of the City Cat water bus service from New Farm where we were staying to the Center and around. By we I mean me and mom and Jack who showed up in Sydney to hang out with me a little bit for Christmas Holiday. Mom also brought with her a trusty new video camera and the footage is utterly priceless i tell you! After showing them around a little bit in Sydney, from the markets and the red light district (where our hotel happened to be), to the Opera House, the Harbour Bridge and the crazy center of it all where Holiday shoppers were quick to load up on crazy prezzies... we hopped an early flight and ended up in cosmopolitan Brisbane. Tired but hungry we indulged in some delicious brekkie nearby the aptmt we rented for a few nights and then power napped it and then hopped the City Cat to explore. Brisbane has an urban beach alongside the south bank that is super awesome. Sand and pools and grass and kids playing and splashing, across from huge buildings and roads and citywide bustling. A great Australian oddity I won't be soon to forget. For our second day we partook in many a form of transit as we walked to the City Cat, took that to the bank, walked to the train station, took the train for an hour or so, then hopped a bus and ended up at the Australia Zoo.
Yes, I went to the Zoo. Yes Sean you are not hallucinating. The Australia Zoo prides itself on education through interactive and amazing demonstrations of their amazing animals, with extremely humane conditions and great staff walking animals around all the time and letting them loose in vast acres upon acres to roam and traipse upriver and hunt and nap at their own leisure. I saw crocodiles chomp at large pieces of flesh, and jump high into the air to devour even more scraps of meat. Large birds flying overhead so quickly I thought I might take one to the face. Enormous, old, slow tortoises puttering about. Alligators soaking up sun and smiling as only large dinosaur reptiles can do. Elephants getting daily baths and pedicures, and I fed an elephant! twice! Its rubbery hose of a trunk groped around my hand for the corn on the cob slobbily and ticklishly! Tigers swimming and jumping after their buddy(trainer) into large pools of water and playing with their garbage bag on a stick so reminiscent of piff it's not even funny how cats are all the same eh? Koalas snoozin it up in the Eucalyptus trees with their cute ass little babies! Got to pet a Koala too! The softest, cuddliest sweet little guys ever! Roos lounging on the grass in Kangaroo heaven, also pet a few of these, and they are also magically soft! Butterflies bright blue and purple and iridescent, echindas like larger versions of melissa's hog chillin and eating with the Zoo trainers, fat ass wombats walking on a leash like a rat with a weight problem had a baby with an R.O.U.S. Snakes devouring whole mice with such ferocity that no doubt in my mind was i terrified, even from behind glass. Dingos napping around and walking on leashes like pet dogs, otters swimming and playing together like little kids, phat ass komodo dragons(uh hello dinosaur), and did i mention Crocs Rule??
We hopped the bus/train/city water bus back and ate some delicious food and drank some delicious mojitos/beer/Chardonnay and called it a day and quite a nice visit to Brisbane. Two days= not enough, but we made the most of it and had a badass time!
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