The next day we set out on our drive to somewhere, Idaho, like two-ish hours from Boise. Our camping spot was hella sweet, next to a freezing and awesome river. We spent the weekend drinking hella beer out of cozies "Ever notice how Cupid rhymes with Stupid", swimming in the hot springs, watching the boys fish, playing gin, and eating like there's no tomorrow. Oh, and some hiking, rattlesnake fear and gun shooting.
We set off some fireworks in MaKettle's bad ass garden haven, ate some more hella good food, and floated the Boise river. Meaning me and Corinna drank beers while Mike and Sean paddled like hell cause the boat was leaking. And before you know it I had to say goodbye to Sean again and it's back to Reno.
Upon getting back to Reno, Juli and I were hanging out and did some pooling it and read some trash magazines, and after getting pretty bored. So we dug out my and Jack's old Rollerblades, AND 1980's knee, elbow, and wrist guards plus helmets and decided to go for a roll about town. Fucking hilarious, neither of us are for shit on wheels and we spent more time taking them off to walk down hills than anything else. Every time a car drove by Juli shouted "Quick! pretend you're seven!" Which was all awesome until Juli got going hella fast and tried to do a spin around to stop and her skates came out from under her, causing her to land on her wrists and drag a little on her stomach. shit. A woman even came out of her house (in front of which Juli had face planted) and was all " Are you OK? Cause that looked really bad" Clueless style.
So I'm pretty sure the Gree
Did I ever mention I'm writing this fucking blog on DIAL UP Internet. Yes it still exists, in the backwoods of Reno where there's nothing but steamboat ditch behind you. Dial-up can suck deez is all i can say about that.
Also I weeded the shit out of the garden today and got really sunburned AND dirty, and i saw a snake, and it's like a million degreez here.
Too soon?
Shit... I didn't realize I sounded like such a dick when I was typing that... my apologies. Juli, I'm glad you're ok. Liz, sorry I sounded like a dick.
what? i didn't even see anything... so no worries mario haha
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