Syndey Australia, what Seattle should be.
I have to say upon arriving in Sydney I was initally quite impressed, smells good, like palos verdes, good public transit, awesome public toilets. Then the culture shock set in. Oh shit. I'm in a westernized country and everyone is shopping all the time, and it looks like the set of the O.C. ahhhhh! It was quite a change from gritty, south american, over the top Buenos Aires. And it did take a bit, but Sydney is comin around. Slowly, and expensively she's a comin around. Beaches everywhere. We stayed at a hostel right near the beach for the first 4 days, at Cronulla. And lets see I've wandered to the Sydney Opera House, over the Harbour Bridge, into Luna Park, hopped a ferry to Manly Beach, went to the Contemporary Art Museum, visited the Rocks, where the first settlement was and checked out that musuem, ran on the beach, and lay on the beach. It's weird but everyone is all pumped up for Christmas which I can't belive because for one, its only november, and for two, it's hot outside.
In a few days we're hopping a bus down to Melbourne to check it out and do some wwoofing, which btw here is sooo much smoother than in Argentina, here it's like a max of 5hrs work per day for room/board, not 10hours of hardcore barro. I'm into that. Anyways, things here are good and unfortunately it is very easy to get accustomed to english speaking and grocery stores with peanut butter. Love to All, more soon!--Liz
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