Melbourne- a city of tons of art, tons of rain, and the worst hostel ever. We arrived last monday after a shit greyhound busride of tossing and turning which i wont use anymore because apparently tossing in british talk means masturbating. So Tosser means like Jack off, So don't say tossing and turning aroung british folks. Anyways, so Melbourne is really cool, trams are the main form of transport and you can tram it all over town, and we went to some really cool museums with lots of aboriginal art and modern australian art and fashion, and cool exhibits of the human mind and body and i even saw a huge blue whale skeleton. And a performance art exhibit that was crazy and hillarious and weird at the same time. And we found a rad hare krishna veggie lunch place for 5$ all you can eat. which is awesome here because its super expensive for food, and i've been pretty much eating ramen. The ramen issue is twofold however because our shithouse hostel has the world's smallest kitchen with about two burners for like 200 people, and its so small that 4 people standing in it feels cramped, so i'm trying to minimize my time in the kitchen. So one night I got my ramen all ready and went to sit down and spilled boiling water all over my stupid hand and now have a burn that looks like a tyler durden kiss from fight club. It's healing quite nicely however.
And our hostel. Nomads Industry. The WORST. EVER. Shit service. Broken lift. Small Kitchen. Shitty Sheets. Short, broken Sinks, broken toilets, no free brekkie or dinner like they said, roommates having sex in the rooms, loud noisy shit bar downstairs, no common room(other than sed bar), retarded front desk girls(save one),smelly rooms with boys, changing rooms everyday, overcharged for internet, fake fire alarm necessitating an evacuation when it's pouring rain out. etc.
It sucks, and if anyone reading this ever goes to Melbourne, do NOT stay at nomads. it is total shit and it should really have a fire and burn to the ground.
luckily, tonight is our last night and we're off to Adelaide tomorrow.
And what else, well it's very much like San Francisco with all the street art everywhere and the trams and all the shit weather and rain and all the art/artists everywhere which is really cool. And the Queen Victorian Market is near to the worst hostel ever and Jules and I have been frequenting it for goodies such as wasabi peas, dried apples, cheese, feta filled peppers, tabouli, sunglasses, and delicously warm and crunchy sugary doughnuts filled with strawberry jam from the doughnut van.
All in all we've made the best of what we've got in Melbourne and I think we've done pretty good, although I almost lost it in the middle there when the weather was shit and we had to switch rooms everyday and my body was rejecting all the shitty food that i'd been eating and I was missing berger really bad. But we've pushed through, and Adelaide for a week and then WWOOFing for another few days and then back to Sydney to meet up with jan and MOM AND JACK! yay!