Departed from Madre Tierra last Sabado, after another week of hard ass workin. More planting and construction and a little bit of texas hold em and wine out of boxes drinking. We also got to know Vida, an american who is the neighbor a farm over who is constructing a straw bale house in the shape of a shell and creating her own organic farm w-her mamma, which is totally radical. Vida and all the volunteers went out together on friday night for the opening of a local bar. We recieved complementary champagne and empañadas and also saw some bad ass drumming and dancing. And various drunken argentinean men proceeded to get upon the stage and start stripping full monty style, mostly shirts, except for one jem who stripped down to his boxers and was pumpin it out.
Stop reading here mom/small children/anyone who gets easily offended!
And then he proceeded to reach in his boxers and pull out his balls and hold them Curry to
Homer style like little birds eggs while he continued to pelvic thrust dance for a good twenty minutes-- balls and all. It was insane, and so were all the sweaty mullets and the wine bottles and fernet being passed to all of us constantly. Needless to say, Argentine style we didn´t leave until 530 am and that was only to go to a gas station and get more beer and hang out, we didn´t get back to the Finca until 7ish and then ate some leftover pizza, made tea and had a pajama party in the attic.
Sabado came and went very quickly as we got up at noon, got a tour of Vida´s radical house, and walked to hop the bus from Tunuyan to Mendoza to catch a bus from Mendoza to El Bolsón, which happened to stop in Tunuyan, which only made us angry as we could have cut out a good four hours of bus riding.
El Bolsón comes on Vida´s recommendation, she lived here for a year whilst studying organic farming and described it aptly as The Shire. It pretty much is, with jagged snow peaked mountains encasing a very green valley with rolling hills and wood carvings everywhere. El Bolsón is famous for berries, beer, and chocolate, which is alright with me. Almost a third of Argentina´s hops are grown here and we sampled a very delicious Cerveza Frambuesa with lunch today. Our hostel is also super cute, cerca de los montañas y el rio, and we´re almost the only ones there, spare a very nice Argentinean lady. And the hot ass shower and comfy warm ass bed almost killed me with pleasure last night. Tomorrow we´re going to go on a tour and learn how organic cheese, yogurt and ice cream is made and then go to El Feria, the local artesean crafts market, and tonight we might have to stop off at the local brewery for some more Frambuesa Cerveza!
1 comment:
oh liz! how i dearly miss your oh so vivid and seriously hilarious storytelling! i can't wait to see your photos of the house you guys built and it's so neat that you've recycled bottles into the mix. i got a sneak peak at juli's blog. it's really amazing what you guys have done. when in thailand, you'll definitely have to check that temple out too. hope you are having a blast learning to make organic cheese/yogurt/ice cream...yum :) teach me when you get back!!
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