Thursday, September 18, 2008

Buenos Aires!

Juli and I have arrived in Buenos Aires! After 10.5 hours crammed behind/in some shit show, we´re here. And we´ve already checked into our hostel, gone on a tour of la boca, seen the futbol stadium, and we´re now just really trying to stay awake. Here are some pictures of la Boca and of whatevah, Í´ll write more when im not so delirious!


John and Nancy said...

Looks like a great start. Have fun and stay smart. Nancy

Bodhisol said...

Gorgeous photos, Liz. I love all the bright colors. The one of you chillin on the blue bench is awesome! Looks like you two are off to an amazing start, tackling a crazy Argentian futbol game, public transit and jetlag (among other things), all within the first few days! Can't wait to hear how the Iguaza Falls trek goes. Enjoy!


Bodhisol said...

Oh, and you inspired me to start a blog! I have a lot of time on my hands these days...and lovin it...hehe :D